Episode 8: Interview with Jovan Glasgow

Jovan Glasgow, the founder of TEOS International Inc., is a high-performance coach, inspirational speaker, and author. For the past 10 years, he has been successfully empowering Fortune 500 companies around the country with the focus on one main goal – creating extraordinary teams that consistently produce remarkable results without compromising integrity or vitality.

Through his PX3LIVING program and dynamic presentations, Jovan uniquely aligns personal and professional development to optimize individual performance while also equipping companies with strategies to establish a strong, unified culture.

As a master facilitator, Jovan takes the “information overload” epidemic plaguing most high-level organizations and provides practical systems that increase productivity and encourages implementation to generate sustainable growth.

Most importantly, he is a man on a mission to bring more clarity, confidence, and fulfillment into the workforce. His message is, “You were made on purpose for a purpose.” When employees, leaders, and teams understand that their desire for fulfillment is found in their life’s purpose, the company’s culture, performance, energy, and bottom line will transform.

If you and your team are seeking greater results both individually and corporately, Jovan’s customized approach will deliver the results your company needs to accomplish your goals and continue to make an impact in your industry.


Episode 9: Interview with Lori Gentles


Episode 7: Interview with Sophie Bowman